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Sabrina Darwish - Lead Attorney


Why Hire Us?

  • Caring and compassionate defense
  • Strong advocate for your rights
  • Years of criminal defense experience
  • Well respected by judges and prosecutors
  • Consistent communication with clients

Representation Focused in Orange County and Southern California.
Your Consultation is Always Free and Our Conversations are Always Private.

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Orange County Criminal Lawyer

When your freedom is on the line and you’refacing potentially life-changing consequences as a result of a criminal arrest, investigation, or charge, you need to be extremely cautious and take whatever measures are necessary to protect your rights, freedom, and future. A criminal conviction risks jail time, expensive fees and fines, loss of your job, loss of child custody and visitation rights, and other detrimental consequences on your future. In this case, your number one priority should be putting proven Orange County criminal defense attorneys on your side as soon as possible.

Orange County Criminal Lawyer law firm provides top-notch legal representation in Orange County and throughout Southern California in the area of criminal defense. We are committed to pursuing justice and providing tough legal representation to each of our clients. Our attorneys will do whatever it takes to protect your rights and future.

At Orange County Criminal Lawyer, we believe that all cases have the potential to be won regardless of how hopeless they appear initially. If this is unrealistic, we’ll fight to reduce charges, keep you out of jail, and get the best possible outcome for your case. We have a longstanding reputation in Orange County for providing aggressive and effective criminal defense and winning where so many law firms refuse to even take on the case. We handle even the most complex of criminal cases. We have the knowledge, experience, and determination it takes to win for you.

Call us anytime 24/7 at 714-262-4833 for a free consultation and case review. From the moment you get in touch with us, we’ll do everything we can to help you obtain the peace of mind you deserve and need at such a difficult time. We’ll inform you of your rights, address each of your concerns, and get started on building you a solid defense.

Sabrina Darwish

Sabrina Darwish was born and raised in Orange County. She then attended UCLA and Loyola Law school in Los Angeles. Sabrina’s passion has always been in criminal defense. She believes every individual should have a competent and zealous attorney with them on their side.

Sabrina began her legal career as a deputy public defender in Riverside County. She later moved onto private practice in Orange County after gaining knowledge and experience at the Public Defender’s Office. With a central office in Santa Ana, she is conveniently located to all the Orange County courts.

For over 10 years, Attorney Sabrina Darwish has been representing Orange County residents in their criminal matters. She has defended thousands of clients with countless wins along the way— from dismissals during negotiations to acquittals at trial.

Sabrina is a fantastic story-teller and utilizes all her skills to highlight your best qualities to the prosecution so they may see you as more than a case file. Sabrina is not only passionate and caring but extremely knowledgeable. She understands all the inner workings of the Orange County criminal justice system and has the expertise to navigate all the complex statutes and case law. Her familiarity with the court system and her personal relationships with prosecutors and judges have earned her a well-respected reputation in Orange County.

Not Just Winning Cases… Changing Lives!

Schedule Your Free Consultation.

What sets us apart

The Orange County Criminal Lawyer law firm is here to serve our clients and the community at large by proving affordable, accessible, top-tier criminal defense services. Reasons to hire us:


The criminal defense process

Facing criminal charges can be daunting, frightening, and can create a feeling of hopelessness. The criminal process can be intricate and challenging to navigate on your own if you don’t have sufficient legal knowledge and don’t know what to expect. However, you can improve your chances of achieving a positive outcome for your criminal case by hiring an experienced Orange County Criminal Lawyer. Here’s an overview of the process through which criminal cases pass in California.

Your Future is On the Line.

Always Free Initial Consultation.

Our Criminal Defense Practice Areas

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is any crime committed against the parent of your child, current or former dating partner, domestic partner, live-in partner, cohabitant, or any other “romantic partner.” Infliction

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Violent Crimes

Due to the escalation of violent crimes in California and the U.S. at large, these crimes tend to carry the most severe consequences. What’s more, individuals are being falsely accused of violent

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Theft Crimes

Theft crimes in Orange County can range from misdemeanor such as petty theft cases to more complex white-collar crimes. At Orange County Criminal Lawyer, we take on all types of theft crimes,

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Fraud Crimes

In California, fraud crimes are a type of theft committed with a degree of treachery or false representation. You’re considered to have committed a fraud crime if you cause if your act is meant to

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Sex crimes

Being accused or charged with any type of sex crime is terrifying and stressful. Being convicted of such crimes can have serious effects on your professional and personal life. Charges of child

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Drug Crimes

While the state of California has made efforts to decriminalize certain recreational marijuana and personal use possession offenses, law enforcement officers still want to appear tough on drugs. As a

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In California, it’s unlawful to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whether legal or illegal. This means that you can be arrested and charged with DUI even though you’ve

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Expungements and Record Sealings

Having a criminal record can complicate legal issues and present many obstacles in your life even if the charges were withdrawn or you were acquitted. It can create adverse implications for one’s

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Contact Orange County Criminal Lawyer To Get Started

At Orange County Criminal Lawyer, we understand your specific law issue, appellate issue or licensing issue is of great importance to you and can result in a stressful experience. Once you hire us, our primary goal will be to offer you top-notch legal service by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your cases and developing a hard-hitting defense that will achieve the quickest resolution and reach the strongest possible results.

Whether you’re charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you can be confident that our experienced and supportive attorney will put their best foot forward. If you’d like to speak with an Orange County criminal lawyer, call us at 714-262-4833 to learn how we can make the difference in your case.

All practice areas

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Charged With a Crime?

Call us now to assess your charges and explain the difference a criminal attorney can make on the results of your case
